
i writeth, you readeth

Meaningless drivel since 2003

Waste of space?

28. March 2007 | Category Internet, Observations, Technology

I know that Youtube, Facebook, and Myspace are all the rage for the kiddies on the internet these days. I have frequented these establishments and actively have accounts with them.

I just fail to see why Myspace is the craze that it is. I mean, it’s not easy to configure with backgrounds or what not. It’s next near impossible to just find someone’s Myspace web address, nothing neat and kind about that. The layout is confusing and can be placed about.

Moths are just drawn to some interesting flames. Maybe it’s something I’m not seeing here, but if it’s that unobvious, it sure isn’t living up to the simplicity principle.


Sports Racer, Racing Sports…

8. March 2007 | Category Observations

What’s your power move?

I feel so selfish for enjoying Ze Frank and The Show for the past year. What a hilarious young man. Too bad he’s only doing his show for one year. What started out on March 17,2006 will shortly end later this month. I am sad for this, but as Ze has said, it’s to make it all worthwhile, not like the OC. But I also really liked Rocketboom when it was hosted by Amanda Congdon; but alas neither is now good without the other.

I really can’t wait to see what this Ze character will do next Tech related, but I’d watch for him.



Up Dating

25. February 2007 | Category My Websites, Updates

I realize this blog has been getting a tad stale and languishing. There has been reasons. First and foremost, I’ve changed hosting and am no longer able to use Movabletype without upgrading hosting…. too bad I learned this after the fact. So now it’s on to WordPress which seems to have a bunch of the same things going for it, with a bit different.

I’m sure the only thing that matters is content, content, content. I have some….. it just needs to get out. Since the last post I’ve been to Germany and back and did a bunch more interesting stuff, so I’ll have to update on that all.

Hope things are tiding over for now….