
i writeth, you readeth

I once knew a man...

Thanks for the timely update jerks!

1. December 2008 | Category My Websites, Observations

Received the following information from my trusty, yet back-stabbing host 1and1 today. Kind makes you wonder why they even sent it. Thanks for your business, but oops, by the way, we raised rates for the past month, thanks for letting us steal more money from you without us being honest with you about it.

Way to piss on the customer. And it reinforces why I have since moved all my domain names away from this company. Hosting may well be next…

Dear Customer,

1and1 Internet appreciates your business, and we hope that you are
happy with our services.

In order to stay competitive and continue to offer you excellent services,
we have made changes to our pricing structure in accordance with the
changes in the industry. This change affects new domain registrations
and domain renewals.

Since November 3, 2008, the following domain rates apply:
.com, .net, .us, .org, .info, .name, and .biz domains have been increased
$8.99 per year

1and1 is committed to offering very competitive prices and professional
services in the domain environment and we hope to continue to meet and
surpass your service expectations.



29. July 2008 | Category Genealogy, My Websites, Rest of Site, Technology

I’m disappointed in Geni.com. They have all the makings of a neat, Web 2.0 company that just happens to focus on genealogy.

But I can’t get behind it. I realize it’s in beta, but there is one small thing that irks me and I’m sure it’s a deal breaker. As I have played around extensively with genealogy software like Legacy here and PHPGedView here, I’ve tried and test drove most genealogy software out there.

The one and only thing that has me not investing more time/effort into Geni is the fact that when you add women it does nothing about maiden names. It assumes whomever you add them off is their name. I for one recognize women by their maiden names and don’t appreciate typing/ retyping in every maiden name because of a software shortfall.

Geni is promising. But I’m waiting for them to work out all their beta features. Maybe then I dip my toes back in.


Up Dating

25. February 2007 | Category My Websites, Updates

I realize this blog has been getting a tad stale and languishing. There has been reasons. First and foremost, I’ve changed hosting and am no longer able to use Movabletype without upgrading hosting…. too bad I learned this after the fact. So now it’s on to WordPress which seems to have a bunch of the same things going for it, with a bit different.

I’m sure the only thing that matters is content, content, content. I have some….. it just needs to get out. Since the last post I’ve been to Germany and back and did a bunch more interesting stuff, so I’ll have to update on that all.

Hope things are tiding over for now….


Free Email for the Masses

10. May 2006 | Category Genealogy, My Websites, Rest of Site

It’s been a while since I’ve registered some really cool TLD domains, namely Piotter.org and Piotter.us. While I am still struggling to find something compelling and exciting to put up on these pages, I did do something neat which I’d like to offer to the masses or at least those people out there they be named ‘Piotter’ and have a strong desire to be: awesomename@piotter.org or awesomename@piotter.us.

That’s right, I’m opening up email registration on the two Piotter domains to any individual with the last name Piotter. Clever huh? How’s it work you ask. Well, since Google is nice and gracious with their Gmail account service, they’ve also offered to start hosting email from domain names like my two for FREE !! So you get your name @piotter.org or @piotter.us which is hosted through Google’s Gmail Service.

You don’t have to worry me administering your email either. Accounts are setup with desired user name and a random password that can be changed at anytime. All I do is set them up and bask in the glory of being such a nice guy 🙂

So if you like Gmail and/or want a cool,new email address, check this offer out. To sign up, just email me!


F*ck you 1and1.com

26. December 2005 | Category My Websites

Well, well. This site was hacked over the awesome Christmas weekend.
See this site if you want to see defacement. Some a-hole MaXiBoD and/or a “Turkish Hacker” thought they were awesome in change the index files and posting some “No War” jpg.

So I got to change all my site passwords which is quite a treat. Oh and I sent an email to the retards that host this site and got this riveting email in response:

Thank you for contacting us.

You are the account owner and the responsiblity to keep your account secure is yours. Aside from the username and password, you also need to make sure that your scripts are secure. This is the most common reason where hackers are able to hack your files and account, unsecure scripts.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Josephine Gamotin
Technical Support
1&1 Internet

What a bunch of asshats. Guess it’s time to start searching for a host that gives a rat’s ass. So in all happiness I say this loud and proud ~

F*ck you 1and1