
i writeth, you readeth

'Excellent' - C. Montgomery Burns

Lifestory People

6. May 2005 | Category Personal

Within the last few days I have heard about a man that is so desperate to talk to anyone that within minutes of first meeting him, you would know his whole life story and why he is the way he is. It’s not that bad that someone would be that open and willing to talk to you, but having to tell you their whole life story or the personal highlights/lowlights wiithout your asking when you first meet them just reeks of desperation and somewhat sad in and of itself.

Having personally met a few of these types, this behavior just strikes me as odd. My first encounter with such a person was when I was first fitted for glasses in college. Having picked out a eye doctor at random, I choose Sears Optical in Mankato. It was a bad luck of the draw on my part, but needing the glasses more than the doctor, I forged ahead. During the usual chit-chat with the doctor, I told him I attended MSU. Harmless enough you may think? Not really. I next recieved a lecture about this idiot doctor’s life story. About how his dad had died when he was young and he had to pay his whole way through college and med school to become the eye doctor he was today. How did this affect my life? Just because I had student loans I was a bad person and didn’t conform to his path in life? Fuck that. I didn’t care what had happened to him or how his life came about. Give me the service I want and if I ask for life stories, then you may feel obliged to tell me. Good grief. This idiot’s name was Dr. Dull. I laugh because I think his life is ‘dull’ if he had to harp to me about it. So now I tell people to avoid him and Sears Optical like the plague, but I’ve known of a few unfortunate individuals that have gone there after me and had similar subpar experiences. Sad.

The other individual I’ve heard a similar sob story from was a man known to me for quite some time, being a neighbor. Even though I knew him, having not asked to hear a rendition of his life story got him lumped into the same boat as forementioned. This guy had his hand supposedly torren down to the bone on one hand in a hay baler mishap and that hand, although still intact and functional, had caused him a lifetime of pain, which I hadn’t known about until he told me. This came shortly after he had a very severe bacterial infection in his lungs, which forced him out of full-time employment, which may have added to his pity party and it’s description of the pain in his life. But no one had asked to hear it, so it made you feel uneasy and ponder why you had to bear witness to such information.

These people have gone on to lead what appears to be successful lives, but I somewhat believe they have a deeper problem which just manifests itself in their stories about their lives and problems to those they interact with. I will be highly suspicious of such people in the future,for the experiences I’ve had with such pople in the past.

Although people too, are suprised about what you can tell them when they ask you a question about your life that not many would know or care about, having never realized that it had/could have happened to you. But at least they asked you, you didn’t broadcast it to them.


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