
i writeth, you readeth

Ramblings of an improvident lackwit

Being Buzzed

13. February 2005 | Category Observations

It’s been mysterious lately in the skys over Gaylord. Seems that alot of the military’s planes have been on the move. It’s quite odd to hear the sound of an aircraft so low to the ground, I’m reckon they’re less than a 1,000 feet up. They almost seem to touch the treetops at times too. I assume that’s the height they’re allowed to fly at, but I thought there were regulations on how low planes can legally be. Who knows, they’re the military.

I’ve almost always noted the north-east to south-west route, probably ‘The Cities’ to Sioux Falls, etc. But I’ve also noticed a trend lately from south-east to north-west, headed towards Fargo perhaps. Who knows?

Anywho, it’s quite a spectacle. Cattle are always crazy after getting buzzed by gigantic metal flying birds, so it’s kind of a hassle, no so much as the crop dusters, but that’s another story. I’m sure something’s up though, why else would there be so much movement in the matter of a few days? You have been warned.


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