
i writeth, you readeth

And then???

Idiot Box

21. February 2005 | Category Rant, Technology

I’m really fed up with the teasers that are becoming downright pathetic on the various TV news shows. They constantly are hyping their stories, which is always good to ‘grab’ you with, but they’re getting to the point of insanity. Like ‘unless watch our top story on your local news leader you won’t learn what hidden feature in your car may cause it to blow up suddenly if set on fire killing you instantaneously’. If you didn’t know it was the gasoline in the tank, I suppose you would be hooked in and ‘just have to see what it really was.

But give me a break. Does every little tidbit of information they might present physically affect you and if you happen to miss their newscast your life or the life of people you know dramtically change without this knowledge? I don’t think so.

But I am really repulsed by the weathercaster on Number 9: Fox. It’s as if every day there’s gonna be a blizzard coming with days and/or hours of the newcast. Imagine that! Snow. In winter. In Minnesota. Get outta here, is this for real? Sure it will probably happen, even given the wacky weather as of late, but c’mon it’s getting ridiculous. Crying wolf for so long eventually numbs the nerves and eventually gets lost in the confusion, when the alert may be most needed.

The constant bombardment of all this senstional journalism that always in your face and always begs for your urgency is getting too much to handle. Maybe it’s something to be said of our culture, but it’d be a lot easier to rip the cord outta the wall.

[Listening to: Highly Illogical – Leonard Nimoy – (2:20)]

Yea Ya Yay Yeah, WTF???

19. February 2005 | Category Personal, Rant

These few words infuriate me to no end. I’m sure I use them alot in everyday talk, but when I stare at them in a IM or on the page, they just irk me something fierce.

Yea – means yes or when you affirm a vote you say Yea.
Ya – on the other hand refers to the word you ~ like where ya going? I also believe it’s an affirmative as well, like the german word for yes (ja) which comes off as ‘ya’
Yay – refers almost specificly to celebration ~ Yay, it’s my birthday!
Yeah – also equals yes and is a variant of yea.

Good golly, how are you supposed to keep all these similiar yet different words straight? It’s almost impossible because they just about all mean the same thing too! Maybe I’ll just use the word yes and forget the rest. Yeah, that’s it… D’oh I mean YES that’s it!!!!


Stupid Airport

7. February 2005 | Category Rant

Having the honor of picking up my sister and friend from the MSP Aiport over the weekend was quite a joke.

I’ve been to the airport a few times, so I guess nothing should have suprised me, but everytime you go the whole place appears different. First thing to notice is that they have a new eTicket option, basically pay with credit card for savings of $1. Looks good. Park and head into baggage claim. Hm… where is sister’s flight and information as to where and when they would be coming in. Search giant panel of 9 screens to learn they’re just Northwest and/or KLM.

WTF? With all the damned money that place brings in, you’d think they could post all the flight info or at least scroll through it. No such luck. Then we have to hunt down where United Air would deposit their baggage and or flight information. Walk to one end of terminal to learn that we had passed it on our stroll. Seems United is not a major player at MSP, so they get a small shingle to post along with a few other airlines sharing same baggage carousel. Retarded.

Finally find the little carousel and then see flight information on a small screen only located there, not next to exit gates, which might make sense. Check time and proceed to wait. And wait some more….. check time/flight info again to be sure all is well.

While waiting for people to come down to baggage, wouldn’t it be helpful to have a display screen of information on current flights are arriving? I’m not sure if security wise this would work, but they could announce arrivals, etc. there too.

Sister and friends finally arrive and we find their baggage. Wait a few minutes and say goodbyes to friend that is leaving with family. As we were leaving parking lot, notice that time is REAL close to 1hr , that magical point when they charge you more for being there.

Weave through parking lot like a race car driver hoping to make payment gates. What’s this? Oh, they moved payment gates to end of airport road, thus wasting more time. Make a break for seemingly functioning toll machine to realize that it’s out of order! Out of order? They have these big old flashing signs above all light up and seeming to beg you towards them. Fine, change spots behind someone else that is actually leaving and promptly swipe credit card.

As luck would have it, we were two minutes over one hour. Thus getting bumped up to next time/payment schedule. Stupid. I honestly think those people at the airport are out to fleece you. No handy information and always a constantly changing maze one most manuever to exit the premises.

As much as airports are grand to take you to distant lands and excursions, they’re just a trap for your average joe.


Capitalism Revisted

4. February 2005 | Category Personal, Rant

Had a issue today that got me thinking about Capitalism if you could call it that.

Since when is acceptable for someone to get something from you for nothing while maintaining that everything they have is intrinsically more valuable. Is that some awful kind of double standard or is just a inherent flaw of capitalism? Buy low, sell high? I’d beg to differ.

I’m sure most people you could find would give you a decent price on an object taken at random and well known to them. Almost everyone will tell you a small bottle of pop (not soda, mind you) is priced about a $1, give or take. It’s only when you get charged a $5 for same bottle or heaven forbid maybe just a nickel. I’m sure most people would have no issue with a nickel for a pop if it was lawfully sold that way. But at $5 a pop, it would seem a line would be crossed, albeit that it may viewed as sensible at a sporting event / middle of parched desert, but I think you see the point.

But how do you draw the line at something less common yet similar in pricing? I think when you barter or trade, the price is usually agreed upon between the two parties with both giving something in order to make the deal worthwhile and agreeable to all involved. Maybe it’s when one party assumes a value that is out of line with common value and the other fails to realize that they are being robbed blind.

Maybe it’s just things are ALWAYS costing more, but when is enough enough? I hate getting robbed for what I own, while the next guy can get away with highway robbery for same thing they own.


Stupid Cellphones

1. February 2005 | Category Rant, Technology

Why is it so easy for cell phone companys to always give you a new cell phone when you start up a plan with them, but so difficult to get rid of the old cell phone that’s put out of commision by newer and fancier technology?

You have a prefectly good cell phone that worked up to the minute you switched phones, but now begs to have something useful done with it. Sure you can donate or even sell it through some places online, but why can’t you just buy a cellular phone card and use it as an emergency or backup phone? That irks me.

Maybe it’s better to give it out to someone in a needy location but it’d be easier to keep it as a spare. It kinda worries you too that almost every family in America has one or two of these phones and it seems like they constantly need to be upgrading, posing a huge environmental burden on things as well. I just don’t get the reasoning of the industry.

I suppose it would be easy to just go into someplace like Midwest Wireless, but after all the shoddy personal customer service we’ve recieved from them, I could hardly see why they’d care. Stupidity reigns supreme.