
i writeth, you readeth

And then???

Ask a Blogger why I love free stuff

23. March 2005 | Category Internet, Observations, Personal, Technology

After spying the Merch Alert! for a free “I love Bloglines” T-Shirt in the post script of Ask Jeeves post of it’s purchase of Bloglines, I emailed away for some free schwag. Little did I know that I would be lucky to recieve said merchanidise, but lo and behold I too got an email from Paul Loeffler at Ask Jeeves like many others on the web have.

But I can confirm that I have indeed recieved the t-shirt as well. Although, one wonders if only said 200 shirts were issued. If it turns out as such, it’s kinda of like being in a secret group where no one knows your name. 🙂

I was amused that Ask Jeeves and Bloglines itself have already been purchased in the amount of time this whole transaction took place. Quite amusing. And probably of little interest to anyone other than myself. But I am a happy user of Bloglines and hope to remain so into the foreseeable future. I guess that’s why this is all so engrossing.



22. February 2005 | Category Internet, Observations, Technology

I’m sure by now you’ve heard of the latest buzz on the supposed hacking of Paris Hilton’s Sidekick. And after viewing a few of these websites and the purported information offered from this tech gadget, I was utterly suprised that this information actually appers to legit.

It’s a very scary premise for all those contacts on the device, as well as users of such gadgetry as well. It’s amazing how quickly such information can and was spread to all corners of the connected world. Sadly, I think we’ve only begun as can also be attested to in the Choicepoint data leakage as well.

You’d think the idiots that hold all this sensitive data would place a little higher value on such data, but I highly doubt that they care when someone gets their identity stolen, it’s not their fault!

It’s too bad that all those contacts on Ms. Hilton’s Sidekick have probably already changed their numbers and/or disassociated themselves from her, as I wouldn’t mind asking , oh say, Lindsay Lohan how’s things are going in her career. 🙂

[Listening to: Just My Imagination – Gwyneth Paltrow – Duets Original Soundtrack (4:10)]

Idiot Box

21. February 2005 | Category Rant, Technology

I’m really fed up with the teasers that are becoming downright pathetic on the various TV news shows. They constantly are hyping their stories, which is always good to ‘grab’ you with, but they’re getting to the point of insanity. Like ‘unless watch our top story on your local news leader you won’t learn what hidden feature in your car may cause it to blow up suddenly if set on fire killing you instantaneously’. If you didn’t know it was the gasoline in the tank, I suppose you would be hooked in and ‘just have to see what it really was.

But give me a break. Does every little tidbit of information they might present physically affect you and if you happen to miss their newscast your life or the life of people you know dramtically change without this knowledge? I don’t think so.

But I am really repulsed by the weathercaster on Number 9: Fox. It’s as if every day there’s gonna be a blizzard coming with days and/or hours of the newcast. Imagine that! Snow. In winter. In Minnesota. Get outta here, is this for real? Sure it will probably happen, even given the wacky weather as of late, but c’mon it’s getting ridiculous. Crying wolf for so long eventually numbs the nerves and eventually gets lost in the confusion, when the alert may be most needed.

The constant bombardment of all this senstional journalism that always in your face and always begs for your urgency is getting too much to handle. Maybe it’s something to be said of our culture, but it’d be a lot easier to rip the cord outta the wall.

[Listening to: Highly Illogical – Leonard Nimoy – (2:20)]


18. February 2005 | Category Internet, Rest of Site, Technology, Updates

After searching Google for a while, decided to plug in the ol’ surname ~ Piotter and low and behold my newest endevor was uncovered.

Few days back I registered piotter.tk, which points to this blog. The DotTK refers to a small bunch of islands bobbing around the Pacific. Seems they have embraced the internet to help pay for things in their country. So I registered this domain in hopes of having another Piotter domain name. One stipulation though:

Can I lose my free Dot TK domain name?

Yes, having a free Dot TK domain name does not give you the legal ownership. Dot TK allows you to use your chosen Dot TK domain name as long as you have 25 visitors or more on your domain name once every 90 days. Activity must include website access to your Dot TK website. If you don’t have more than 25 visitors to your website in 90 days, your website is either not up or you did not provide any content. That will result in a cancellation of your registration. Your domain name will then be automatically available for other registrants to register either as a free or as a paid registration.

I’m sure I won’t visit it that much, and this domain will probably expire in 90 days, but this seems like a decent way to link to a garbarled web address for a highly frequented place. Heck, they even set up email forwarding up for you.

Just a very interesting domain register.


50 Gmail Invites

7. February 2005 | Category Technology

Wow! After logging into Gmail today, it appears I have 50 invites to give away! I don’t even know that many people online! Wow. Anyone need one? Anyone?