
i writeth, you readeth

Now for those that wander aimlessly

Safety? I wish

14. November 2004 | Category Work

I was heading through Arlington this afternoon I noticed a bunch o flashing lights up ahead. Police, I thought. Sure enough, they was two state patrol cars facing each other with lights in all directions.

It appears they were investigating an accident or something else that had happened earlier as there were no other vehicles or people other than two troopers in the immediate vicinity.

But lo and behold they had out a laser level and range pole out to measure the scene. I find it quite odd and disturbing that the State Patrol gets to basically put on a light show to draw attention to the troopers at this scene and protect their safety.

I just wish for once when I am out surveying that I could get that kind of fanfare and protection. It’s dangerous playing in traffic and even when you’re on a road that’s posted ‘Closed for Construction’, you’d be suprised the number of people that can drive 60 mph while you stand less than 10 feet from where they pass.

I’m sure these troopers could see how safe things really are when you aren’t afforded such protection. Heck, the county mounty thinks strolling through the job site every once and awhile without even stopping to ask how close the traffic comes is sufficient enough.

And to think they only ‘double’ fines in work zones. Crazy people like that should spend some time out on a job where their idiotic tendancies could kill a person.


CTC Site Manager

19. August 2003 | Category Work

I have started anew an endeavor for Sibley County as a Site Manager at both the Gaylord and Green Isle locations of the

Community Technology Centers.
If you’re in the area, come on in sometime and I’ll teach you something about computers!


Baling Hay

12. June 2003 | Category Work

I am starting to hate hay bales, with their poking stalks and all. Plus doing it for 4 straight days ain’t peachy either.