Christmas Letter 2003
Christmas 2003
Family & Friends:
Hopefully this letter reaches all you in the best regards as 2003 winds down. We thought we’d give another shout out to you all again and let you know what’s keeping us busy and such.
Linda has just wrapped up her yearly holiday baking blitz with the usual friends Connie Portner, Cindy Swenson and each one’s daughter and if anyone is deprived of sweets, they are more than welcome to stop by and enjoy some of the goodies! Linda also enjoyed seeing some faces she hasn’t seen in quite sometime namely Marc Podratz from Washington State, whom she hadn’t seen in probably 20 years and Floyd & MaryAnn Hellmann from up by Finlayson, Mn whom had been about the same amount of time. She also got to see Brother Gary & his wife Diane from Oregon and the Kunze & Brammer families from Hinckley, Mn as well. She’s also been hitting auctions and garage sales hard, but can’t wait until the kids have places of their own for her to move some of her treasures.
Michael started working for Sibley County as a computer lab manager in Green Isle & Gaylord. He also realized his dream of setting up his open webpage under his name ~ . Along those same lines he’s also started an online genealogy project, in hopes to reign in most of his immediate family on both sides into a presentable online resource for others to peruse through his webpage listed earlier. While it’ll always be a work in progress, if you would want to add or correct any data currently listed, please feel free to contact him.
Lynnea is quite busy in St. Peter for her third year of GAC. She took on the major task of supervising a floor of girls this year. She’s been filling her spare time with a few part-time jobs and is starting clinicals in her degree. She also enjoys clubbing and hanging out with her college friends, so her family barely gets to see her. Lynnea also flew out to New York City this spring to visit a high school friend at her college and tour the big city as well. Lynnea anticipates going to Italy for spring break with some college friends.
James continued his prowess of anything hunting related, bagging all kinds of game, you’d probably have to ask him what he’s all got. He’s been picking up odd jobs for area farmers, milking cows and carpentry, just hope he doesn’t like milking cows too much! He also made his first big purchase on a ’96 Chevy Cavalier which he pimped out big time sound wise. James also attended his 1st prom, his junior, with a friend. And mother finally will see her last kid will graduate in June 04. He been looking at schools and Alex Tech is looking promising for his carpentry skills.
So here’s to 2003 and to having a great 2004.
The Piotters
Linda, Michael, Lynnea & James