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'Excellent' - C. Montgomery Burns

Free Email for the Masses

10. May 2006 | Category Genealogy, My Websites, Rest of Site

It’s been a while since I’ve registered some really cool TLD domains, namely Piotter.org and Piotter.us. While I am still struggling to find something compelling and exciting to put up on these pages, I did do something neat which I’d like to offer to the masses or at least those people out there they be named ‘Piotter’ and have a strong desire to be: awesomename@piotter.org or awesomename@piotter.us.

That’s right, I’m opening up email registration on the two Piotter domains to any individual with the last name Piotter. Clever huh? How’s it work you ask. Well, since Google is nice and gracious with their Gmail account service, they’ve also offered to start hosting email from domain names like my two for FREE !! So you get your name @piotter.org or @piotter.us which is hosted through Google’s Gmail Service.

You don’t have to worry me administering your email either. Accounts are setup with desired user name and a random password that can be changed at anytime. All I do is set them up and bask in the glory of being such a nice guy 🙂

So if you like Gmail and/or want a cool,new email address, check this offer out. To sign up, just email me!


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