
i writeth, you readeth

Ramblings of an improvident lackwit

Phil T. Rich

3. April 2004 | Category Observations

Phil T. Rich
Co-Chair and Top-level schmoozer, B4B

Phil was born a poor Mexican, but like those who feel as though they were born in the wrong body and long for a sex-change operation, Phil always new the maternity nurse had mixed up the socio-economic strata at birth. Not one to pout, however, he quickly set about to reclaim his lost heritage. A cleverly faked ID got him into Andover, identity theft landed him at Yale and then Princeton. After being tapped for the secret Skull and Bones secret society (psst, it’s a secret), and apprenticing to both Karl Rove and Kenneth Lay, he quickly rose up through the ranks of hard-right Republican organs of power and America’s most dynamic corporations. His resume — Special Attache for Accounting at Enron, Executive Secretary of the Project for a New American Century, trusted Notetaker of Vice-President Cheney’s Energy Committee, and, of course, Co-Chair of Billionaires for Bush — reads like a cocktail of forward thinking governance. Phil’s main goal in life is now Full Spectrum Dominance over American politics. His varied interests include Money, Wealth, Lucre, Cash, and Money. He is also a board member of Halliburton.

I’ve finally stumbled upon a way to work my way out of middle class squalor. By generating a few billion dollars by this fall, I’m assured to never be poor again.

God bless America!….. and it’s Billionaires