
i writeth, you readeth

Now for those that wander aimlessly

This tree does fork!

28. March 2004 | Category Genealogy

I’ve been amazed by the response that my small, but livid fascination with genealogy has garnered me. The last name ain’t Smith or Jones, so it’s bound to be a tad easier than for those folks. Still, I’ve met like minded relatives that have Googled their name and have stumbled upon my website.

The responses from Germany have been interesting, but difficult to comprehend, since the mother tongue ain’t Deutsch no longer. But I’ve recently been in contact with someone who claims that I may have ‘Royalty blood’. Call me silly, but I don’t think that ancestors such as that would have been related to the same farmers in the family that immigrated here the end of the 19th century.

There has been some debate weather or not some relation had shoed Jesse James’ Gang horses, which I guess is when many families liked to link their ancestors with sensational news or history of the day. Interesting. Also the claim that the father of modern gymnastics, Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, was also a member of the clan.

I guess only good, solid research and actual facts will justify what is fiction and what isn’t.

[Listening to: Junkie Man – Junkie Man – (3:04)]